Saturday, July 26, 2014

Meaning for your Name - B

BABS   f   English
Diminutive of BARBARA
BAILEE   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BAILEY
BAILEY   m & f   English
From a surname derived from Middle English baili meaning "bailiff", originally denoting one who was a bailiff.
BALDRIC   m   English (Archaic)
Derived from the Germanic elements bald "bold, brave" and ric "power, rule"... [more]
BALDWIN   m   EnglishAncient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic elements bald "bold, brave" and win "friend"... [more]
BALFOUR   m   English (Rare)
From a Scottish surname, originally from various place names, which meant "village pasture" in Gaelic.
BAMBI   f   English
Derived from Italian bambina meaning "young girl"... [more]
BARB   f   English
Short form of BARBARA
BARBARA   f   EnglishItalianFrenchGermanPolishHungarianSloveneCroatianLate Roman
Derived from Greek βαρβαρος (barbaros) meaning "foreign"... [more]
BARBIE   f   English
Diminutive of BARBARA
BARBRA   f   English
Variant of BARBARA
BARCLAY   m   ScottishEnglish (Rare)
From a Scottish surname which was likely derived from the English place name Berkeley, meaning "birch wood" in Old English.
BARNABAS   m   GermanEnglish (Rare)BiblicalBiblical LatinBiblical Greek
Greek form of an Aramaic name... [more]
BARNABY   m   English (Archaic)
Medieval English form of BARNABAS
BARNEY   m   English
BARRET   m   English (Rare)
From a surname which was a variant of BARRETT
BARRETT   m   English
From a surname meaning "dispute" in Middle English, originally given to a quarrelsome person.
BARRIE   m   IrishEnglish
Variant of BARRY
BARRY   m   IrishEnglish
Anglicized form of BAIRRE... [more]
BART   m   EnglishDutch
Short form of BARTHOLOMEW... [more]
BARTHOLOMEW   m   EnglishBiblical
From Βαρθολομαιος (Bartholomaios), which was the Greek form of an Aramaic name meaning "son of TALMAI"... [more]
BASIL (1)   m   English
From the Greek name Βασιλειος (Basileios) which was derived from βασιλευς (basileus) meaning "king"... [more]
BAXTER   m   English
From an occupational surname which meant "(female) baker" in Old English.
BAYLEE   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BAILEY
BEA   f   English
Short form of BEATRIX
BEATRICE   f   ItalianEnglishSwedish
Italian form of BEATRIX... [more]
BEATRIX   f   EnglishGermanDutchLate Roman
Probably from Viatrix, a feminine form of the Late Latin name Viator which meant "voyager, traveller"... [more]
BEAU   m   English
Means "beautiful" in French... [more]
BEAUMONT   m   English (Rare)
From a French surname meaning "beautiful mountain".
BEAUREGARD   m   English (Rare)
From a French surname meaning "beautiful outlook".
BECCA   f   English
Short form of REBECCA
BECCI   f   English (Modern)
Diminutive of REBECCA
BECKA   f   English
Short form of REBECCA
BECKAH   f   English
Short form of REBECCA
BECKETT   m   English (Modern)
From an English surname which could derived from various sources, including from Middle English beke meaning "beak" or bekkemeaning "stream, brook".
BECKY   f   English
Diminutive of REBECCA
BEE   f   English
Short form of BEATRIX and other names beginning with B.
BEKKI   f   English (Modern)
Diminutive of REBECCA
BELINDA   f   English
The meaning of this name is not known for certain... [more]
BELLA   f   English
Short form of ISABELLA and other names ending in bella... [more]
BELLE   f   English
Short form of ISABELLA or names ending in belle... [more]
BEN (1)   m   EnglishGermanDutch
Short form of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT... [more]
BENEDICT   m   English
From the Late Latin name Benedictus which meant "blessed"... [more]
BENJ   m   English
Short form of BENJAMIN
BENJAMIN   m   EnglishFrenchGermanDutchBiblical
From the Hebrew name בִּנְיָמִין (Binyamin) which means "son of the south" or "son of the right hand"... [more]
BENJI   m   English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN
BENJY   m   English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN
BENNETT   m   English
Medieval form of BENEDICT... [more]
BENNIE   m   English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT
BENNY   m   English
Diminutive of BENJAMIN or BENEDICT
BENSON   m   English
From a surname which originally meant "son of BENEDICT".
BENTLEY   m   English
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "clearing covered with bent grass" in Old English... [more]
BENTON   m   English
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "town near bent grass" in Old English.
BERENICE   f   EnglishItalianAncient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Βερενικη (Berenike), the Macedonian form of the Greek name Φερενικη (Pherenike), which meant "bringing victory" from φερω (phero) "to bring" and νικη (nike) "victory"... [more]
BERNADETTE   f   FrenchEnglish
French feminine form of BERNARD... [more]
BERNADINE   f   English
Feminine form of BERNARD
BERNARD   m   EnglishFrenchPolishCroatianSloveneAncient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic element bern "bear" combined with hard "brave, hardy"... [more]
BERNETTA   f   English
Diminutive of BERENICE
BERNICE   f   EnglishBiblicalBiblical Latin
Contracted form of BERENICE... [more]
BERNIE   m & f   English
Diminutive of BERNARDBERNADETTEBERNICE, and other names beginning with Bern.
BERNIECE   f   English
Variant of BERNICE
BERNY   m & f   English
Variant of BERNIE
BERRY (1)   m   English
Variant of BARRY
BERRY (2)   f   English (Rare)
From the English word referring to the small fruit... [more]
BERT   m   EnglishGermanDutch
Short form of ALBERT and other names containing the element bert, often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright".
BERTHA   f   GermanEnglishAncient Germanic
Originally a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element beraht meaning "bright, famous"... [more]
BERTIE   m & f   English
Diminutive of ALBERTHERBERT, and other names containing bert (often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright").
BERTINA   f   English
Feminine form of BERT
BERTRAM   m   EnglishGermanAncient Germanic
Means "bright raven", derived from the Germanic element beraht "bright" combined with hramn "raven"... [more]
BERTRAND   m   FrenchEnglishAncient Germanic
Derived from the Germanic elements beraht meaning "bright" and rand meaning "rim (of a shield)"... [more]
BERYL   f   English
From the English word for the clear or pale green precious stone, ultimately deriving from Sanskrit... [more]
BESS   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH
BESSIE   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH
BETH   f   English
Short form of ELIZABETH, or sometimes BETHANY.
BETHANIE   f   English (Rare)
Variant of BETHANY
BETHANY   f   EnglishBiblical
From the name of a biblical town, possibly derived from Hebrew בֵּית־תְּאֵנָה (beit-te'enah) meaning "house of figs"... [more]
BETHNEY   f   English (Rare)
Variant of BETHANY
BETONY   f   English (Rare)
From the name of the minty medicinal herb.
BETSY   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH
BETTE   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH... [more]
BETTIE   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH
BETTY   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH
BETTYE   f   English
Variant of BETTY
BEULAH   f   BiblicalBiblical HebrewEnglish
Means "married" in Hebrew... [more]
BEV   f   English
Short form of BEVERLY
BEVERLEY   f   English
Variant of BEVERLY
BEVERLY   f & m   English
From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "beaver stream" in Old English... [more]
BEVIS   m   English (Rare)
From an English surname which is possibly derived from the name of the French town Beauvais.
BIDDY   f   IrishEnglish
Diminutive of BRIDGET
BIFF   m   English (Rare)
From a nickname which was based on the English word biff, which means "punch, hit, strike".
BILL   m   English
Short form of WILLIAM... [more]
BILLIE   m & f   English
Diminutive of BILL... [more]
BILLY   m   English
Diminutive of BILL... [more]
BINDY   f   English
Diminutive of BELINDA
BISHOP   m   English
Either from the English occupational surname, or else directly from the English word... [more]
BLAINE   m   English
From a Scottish surname which was derived from the given name Bláán, which meant "yellow" in Gaelic... [more]
BLAIR   m & f   ScottishEnglish
From a Scottish surname which is derived from Gaelic blár meaning "plain, field, battlefield".
BLAKE   m   English
From a surname which was derived from Old English blæc "black" or blāc "pale"... [more]
BLANCH   f   English
Variant of BLANCHE
BLANCHE   f   FrenchEnglish
From a medieval French nickname meaning "white, fair"... [more]
BLAZE   m   English (Modern)
Modern variant of BLAISE influenced by the English word blaze.
BLONDIE   f   English (Rare)
From a nickname for a person with blond hair... [more]
BLOSSOM   f   English
From the English word blossom, ultimately from Old English blóstm... [more]
BLYTHE   f & m   English (Rare)
From a surname which meant "cheerful" in Old English.
BOB   m   EnglishDutch
Short form of ROBERT... [more]
BOBBI   f   English
Feminine form of BOBBY
BOBBIE   f & m   English
Variant of BOBBY... [more]
BOBBY   m   English
Diminutive of BOB... [more]
BONIFACE   m   FrenchEnglish (Rare)
From the Late Latin name Bonifatius, which meant "good fate" from bonum "good" and fatum "fate"... [more]
BONITA   f   English
Means "pretty" in Spanish... [more]
BONNIE   f   English
Means "pretty" from the Scottish word bonnie, which was itself derived from Middle French bon "good"... [more]
BOOKER   m   English
From an English occupational surname meaning "maker of books"... [more]
BOYCE   m   English
From a surname which was derived from Old French bois "wood".
BOYD   m   ScottishEnglish
From a Scottish surname which was possibly derived from the name of the island of Bute.
BRAD   m   English
Short form of BRADLEYBRADFORD, and other names beginning with Brad... [more]
BRADEN   m   EnglishIrish
From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Bradáin meaning "descendent of BRADÁN".
BRADFORD   m   English
From a surname which originally came from a place name that meant "broad ford" in Old English.
BRADLEY   m   English
From a surname which originally came from a place name that meant "broad clearing" in Old English... [more]
BRADY   m   EnglishIrish
From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Brádaigh meaning "descendent of BRÁDACH".
BRAEDEN   m   English (Modern)
Variant of BRADEN
BRAELYN   f   English (Modern)
A recently created name, formed using the popular name suffix lyn.
BRAIDEN   m   English (Modern)
Variant of BRADEN
BRAIDY   m & f   English (Rare)
Variant of BRADY
BRAM   m   EnglishDutch
Short form of ABRAHAM... [more]
BRAND   m   English (Rare)
From a surname, a variant of BRANT.
BRANDA   f   English (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of BRANDY or a feminine form of BRAND.
BRANDE   f   English
Variant of BRANDY
BRANDEE   f   English
Variant of BRANDY
BRANDEN   m   English
Variant of BRANDON
BRANDI   f   English
Variant of BRANDY
BRANDIE   f   English
Variant of BRANDY
BRANDON   m   English
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "hill covered with broom" in Old English... [more]
BRANDT   m   English
From a surname, a variant of BRANT.
BRANDY   f   English
From the English word brandy for the alcoholic drink... [more]
BRANNON   m   English
From an Irish surname derived from Mac Branain, which means "descendent of BRAN (1)".
BRANSON   m   English (Modern)
From an English surname which meant "son of Brando"... [more]
BRANT   m   English
From a surname which was derived from the Old Norse name BRANDR.
BRAXTON   m   English
From a surname which was originally derived from an Old English place name meaning "Bracca's town".
BRAYDEN   m   English (Modern)
Variant of BRADEN
BREANA   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRIANA
BREANN   f   English (Modern)
Feminine form of BRIAN
BREANNA   f   English
Variant of BRIANA
BREANNE   f   English (Modern)
Feminine form of BRIAN
BRENDA   f   English
Possibly a feminine form of the Old Norse name Brandr, meaning "sword", which was brought to Britain in the Middle Ages... [more]
BRENDAN   m   IrishEnglish
From Brendanus, the Latinized form of the Irish name Bréanainn which was derived from a Welsh word meaning "prince"... [more]
BRENDEN   m   English
Variant of BRENDAN
BRENDON   m   English
Variant of BRENDAN
BRENNA   f   English
Possibly a variant of BRENDA or a feminine form of BRENNAN.
BRENNAN   m   IrishEnglish
From an Irish surname derived from Ó Braonáin meaning "descendent of Braonán"... [more]
BRENT   m   English
From an English surname, originally taken from various place names, derived from a Celtic word meaning "hill".
BRENTON   m   English
From a surname which was derived from an English place name which meant "Bryni's town"... [more]
BRET   m   English
Variant of BRETT
BRETT   m & f   English
From a Middle English surname meaning "a Breton", referring to an inhabitant of Brittany... [more]
BRIAN   m   IrishEnglishAncient Irish
The meaning of this name is not known for certain but it is possibly related to the old Celtic element bre meaning "hill", or by extension "high, noble"... [more]
BRIANA   f   English
Feminine form of BRIAN... [more]
BRIANNA   f   EnglishIrish
Variant of BRIANA
BRIANNE   f   English (Modern)
Feminine form of BRIAN
BRIAR   m & f   English (Rare)
From the English word for the thorny plant.
BRICE   m   FrenchEnglish
From the name Bricius, which was probably a Latinized form of a Gaulish name meaning "speckled"... [more]
BRIDGER   m   English (Modern)
From an English surname which originally indicated a person who lived near or worked on a bridge.
BRIDGET   f   IrishEnglishIrish Mythology
Anglicized form of the Irish name Brighid which means "exalted one"... [more]
BRIDGETTE   f   English
Variant of BRIDGET
BRIELLA   f   English (Modern)
Short form of GABRIELLA
BRIELLE   f   English (Modern)
Short form of GABRIELLE... [more]
BRIGHAM   m   English (Rare)
From a surname which was originally derived from place names meaning "bridge settlement" in Old English.
BRION   m   English
Variant of BRIAN
BRIONY   f   English (Rare)
Variant of BRYONY
BRISCOE   m   English (Rare)
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "birch wood" in Old Norse.
BRISTOL   m   English (Rare)
From the name of the city in southwest England which means "the site of the bridge".
BRITANNIA   f   English (Rare)
From the Latin name of the island of Britain, in occasional use as an English given name since the 18th century... [more]
BRITNEY   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRITTANY
BRITTANI   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRITTANY
BRITTANIA   f   English (Rare)
Variant of BRITTANY
BRITTANY   f   English
From the name of the region in the northwest of France, called in French Bretagne... [more]
BRITTNEY   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRITTANY
BRITTNY   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRITTANY
BRITTON   m   English
Derived from a Middle English surname meaning "a Breton".
BROCK   m   English
From a surname which was derived from Old English brocc meaning "badger".
BRODIE   m   English (Modern)
Variant of BRODY
BRODY   m   English
From an Irish surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "ditch" in Gaelic.
BRONTE   m & f   English (Rare)
From a surname, an Anglicized form of Irish Ó Proinntigh meaning "descendent of Proinnteach"... [more]
BROOK   m & f   English
From an English surname which denoted one who lived near a brook.
BROOKE   f   English
Variant of BROOK... [more]
BROOKLYN   f   English (Modern)
From the name of the borough of New York City, originally derived from Dutch Breukelen meaning "broken land"... [more]
BROOKLYNN   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BROOKLYN
BROOKS   m   English
From an English surname, a variant of BROOK.
BRUCE   m   ScottishEnglish
From a Scottish surname, of Norman origin, which probably originally referred to the town of Brix in France... [more]
BRYAN   m   English
Variant of BRIAN
BRYANA   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRIANA
BRYANNA   f   English (Modern)
Variant of BRIANA
BRYANNE   f   English (Rare)
Feminine form of BRIAN
BRYANT   m   English
From a surname which was derived from the given name BRIAN.
BRYCE   m   English
Variant of BRICE
BRYNN   f   English (Modern)
Feminine variant of BRYN
BRYNNE   f   English (Rare)
Feminine variant of BRYN
BRYON   m   English
Variant of BRIAN
BRYONY   f   English (Rare)
From the name of a type of Eurasian vine, formerly used as medicine... [more]
BRYSON   m   English
From an English surname meaning "son of BRICE".
BUCK   m   English
From an English nickname meaning simply "buck, male deer", ultimately from Old English bucc.
BUD   m   English
Short form of BUDDY
BUDDY   m   English
From the English word meaning "friend"... [more]
BUFFY   f   English
Diminutive of ELIZABETH, from a child's pronunciation of the final syllable... [more]
BUNNY   f   English
Diminutive of BERENICE
BURGUNDY   f   English (Rare)
This name can refer either to the region in France, the wine (which derives from the name of the region), or the colour (which derives from the name of the wine).
BURKE   m   English
From an English surname which was derived from Old English burh meaning "fortress".
BURT   m   English
Short form of BURTON
BURTON   m   English
From a surname which was originally taken from an Old English place name meaning "fortified town"... [more]
BUSTER   m   English
Originally a nickname denoting a person who broke things, from the word bust... [more]
BYRNE   m   English (Rare)
From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Broin meaning "descendent of BRAN (1)".
BYRON   m   English
From a surname which was originally from a place name meaning "place of the cow sheds" in Old English... [more]
BYSSHE   m   English (Rare)
From an English surname, a variant of the surname Bush, which originally indicated a person who lived near a bush... [more]

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